The Rosebuds take on the Emerald City Junior Gems, this Saturday, May 23, 5 p.m. at the Regional Sports Center in Springfield (32nd and Main). Only five bucks!

And closer to home (three blocks from my house, in fact: within stumbling distance!) Saturday night from 9 p.m. until 2:00 the next morning, "It's a Rock Show!" benefit for the Wheels of Justice at the Know, 2026 NE Alberta in Portland.
From the Ministry of Information:
"Thundering Asteroids (9pm)
Mean Jeans (10pm)
DJs Rob Lobster and Sir Render
Rollergirl Auction, Antics and Mayhem. All. Night. Long.
$5-10 sliding scale.
All proceeds go towards the Wheel of Justice Travel Fund."
Should be special, exotic, and rare. Go give love and money.

Wow, is that Rosebuds information a Heather's blog exclusive? I have been asking them for a couple of weeks now, on various networking sites, what time the bout was and the name of the venue. Thanks for that bit of well guarded information...
Information dearth has returned, JeLLyPiG.
RCR's Twitter person is quite kind, though, and her clues led me on a Google search that got the information.
JeLLyPiG, if you make it down to the Rosebuds bout, please don't hesitate to post something about the bout.
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