Monday, September 28, 2009
WOJ at Western Regionals (Oct 2 - 4, Denver)
Tourney page here,
and bracket here.
I wouldn't be surprised to see one or two of the more analytical bloggers here step up with a top-line preview post.
Until then, amuse yourself and the rest of us in the comments section.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Draft
Heathers -
Betties -
Slim Sheety
High Rollers -
Guns n Rollers -
Hockey honey
Monday, September 21, 2009
Windy City wins North Central Regional)s
150-56 over Mad Rollin' Dolls from Madison, Wisconsin (another long lost home town of mine!).
Congrats Windy City! See you again at Nationals!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Caution: Derby Overload this Weekend.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
WOJ Autumn 2009 Roster
Angry Wrench (captain)
Megahurtz (captain)
Axl Blows
Blood Clottia
Hurricane Skatrina
J.K. Rolling *
Layla Smackdown
Leet Speaking Missle
Licker 'n' Split
Madame Bumps A Lot
MaRollin' Monroe
Mick U Cry
Rhea Derange
Scratcher in the Eye
Sol Train
Sully Skullkicker*
White Flight
*roster additions
Dang! Everyone's time permitting, we'll be talking to some of these folks prior to Western Regionals.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
More Skatember Roller Derby Fun.

Friday, September 4, 2009
New Captains, 2009 Retirees
And thanks and praise to Ringer and Slay for their leadership these past two years. An amazing tenure.
We also salute these 2009 retirees, and thank them for their great service, amazing skating, and terrific play:
Rhoda Killer
Slaybia Majora
Sump Pump
Heathers por vida!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
You lookin for Derby?

We wouldn't want the blog to get old, stale and crusty, would we George? So here are some derby-centric ways to spend your free time and hard earned cash. I always assume everyone gets all the emails and tweets from the RCR league, but just in case you don't here's some groovy roller derby happenings, seasoned with my usual sputum.
Monday, Sept. 7th 1pm & 6pm in
This should be a fun one and a great glimpse at some of the talent pool coming out of what I lovingly call the Oregon section of the I-5 Derby Highway. Cherry City of Salem is the hosting league and they are a month away from their first bout (Oct 10th?) You'll also get to see some Sicktown skaters from Albany/Corvallis, Emerald City from Eugene should have a fierce bunch there and who knows how many Rose City regulars you"ll get to see. But wait, there's more! Go check it out for yourself, even if they aren't ALL from the I-5 corridor. The scrimmages are always a fun time and add in the joy of a State Fair Corndog and livestock...I think this qualifies as a "Hoot"!
Friday, Sept. 18th 8pm at Oaks Hangar
MERBY? Seriously? Here? Yes,
Saturday, Sept. 19th from 10am - 7pm atOaks Hangar
Sunday, Sept. 20th 1pm at Oaks Hangar
Be there to watch these young athletic 'buds in action. They will be hitting, skating, and knocking girls around!
If you have not seen the Buds play you owe it to yourself. They are great to watch, it's fun and they are our future. As usual the bout info I have thus far is a little sketch, but the bouts always end up being a hella good derby time.And all this leads us to....
Wheels of Justice at Western Regionals
Sun - Fri, Oct. 2nd - 4th in
As you might imagine, any recap of the stellar WoJ victory over Duke City would've been extra rambly (given the long day of sun, fun and double derby love'n I had that Saturday). It was a great match up, though not a tight scoring bout. WoJ took an early and commanding lead, and with the exception of a few short bursts of cunning on Duke City's part, it was easy to sit back, cheer, kill beers and talk shit with your neighbors in the stands.
Based on the Carolina and Duke City bouts, I think that the Wheels of Justice should be renamed the "Wall of Justice". Having seen both those bouts, the concise game plan of playing tough defense seems to not only work, but work very well. In both of those bouts the WoJ pack didn't just limit the productivity of the opposing Jammer, but shut them down completely, consistently. Combine that with a plathora of Jammer talent on the WoJ bench and you have quite the derby force. Of course as I told my neighboring derby fan at the Duke City bout "it would mean a hell of a lot more if they were doing this on the road".
We also talked about the Duke City bout having no real ramification on WFTDA rankings in the stands that night. Since tournament seeding is completed and yes, WoJ has the best seed of the bunch with the number three position, whether they won or lost to Duke City, their seed was sown.
Scratcher...well she makes me laugh. She's hammering it out in regular Jammer rotation on a WoJ team that has great depth in the Jammer spot. Against Duke City she was definitely productive and playing that heads up, tough, scrapping style you expect to see from her. Much like the Heathers of the recent past, she is tough but having fun out there and you can see it in her eyes. It's a joy to watch.
Sol Train is Sol Train and she does that Sol Train thing she does. To quote my daughter "The most feared thing on the Rose City track is Sol Train's ass", out of the mouths of babes or teenagers as the case may be. Honestly, Sol plays so smart, is seasoned and has an even keeled perseverance that she really is an icon in the RCR league.
Then there's our Mick U Cry. If you have not seen her play on WoJ, then you've missed some of the best bouts she's skated in her career here. Seriously. I was completely impressed by the level of her play against Carolina, but even more so watching her skate against Duke City. She just seems to be getting better and better which I hope translates into a Heathers pack that is damn near impossible to get through next year.
And Mobi-wan-kanobi...sweet, sweet Mōbs. She also turned in an awesome bout. Tough and hard hitting, she laid some traps then laid out the opposition. There was one block that the derby afficionados seated next me thought might have been a late hit. They invited me into the conversation and my response was "She engaged before the whistle and a girl gots to finish her blocks". Frankly it was a beautiful "Not in My House" dominance move on Mōb's part and I didn't see a foul called.
Seeing them all skate on WoJ, working in a clockwork like fashion, communicating and honing their skills further will only help the Heathers cause come 2010 season.
Now this is a Heartless Heathers blog, so I am in no way trying to slight the play of:Angry Wrench, Megahurtz, Axl Blows, Blood Clottia, Cadillac, D. Konstructor, Firecrotch <---?, Gwen'nich Mean Time, Hurricane Skatrina, Layla Smackdown, Leet Speaking Missle, Licker 'n' Split, Madame Bumps A Lot, MaRollin' Monroe, Rhea Derange, White Flight (Yes, I did the roster copy and paste so not to miss anyone. ?=Sorry FC,I know who you play for I swear.)
These are "Who's Who" of players in the Rose City league and collectively, because it is a team sport, they have played fabulously at home and most importantly won a tough one, as a "team", on the road. This could be the best WoJ team assembled to date, add some derby voo doo with Rob Lobster on the bench you have one tough team going into Regionals.
So next is Denver and what we hope will lead to a National spot. I would hate to be sitting in my Rose City Rollers shirt in Philly, looking all drunk and heartbroken while rooting for Windy City again.
Speaking of my love for
Want to know more about my crappy cellphone picture at the top? Want to know who's behind those eye? Check out the real deal click HERE to join the Flat Track Revolution