Again, I want to thank everyone that took the time to submit their choices in the Coroner's Inquest 09 Readers Poll. I appreciated your comments along with your votes. Especially those that acknowledged that, though we root for different teams during the Intra League season, we are a small community of dedicated Skaters, Volunteers and Fans that share a passion for this sport. It felt good to know that whoever your team is, you realize that this blog is not just a single team hype machine. I like to think my contribution is Roller Derby first with a Rose City focus, from a Heartless point of view.
As in any vote in America, this was not without its "Hanging Chads". In this case there were some single name emails and tricksters that tried to sneak in a second choice with a forward slash. I logged 19 complete votes (and the first name you selected got the slot)
The number one comment was how hard a task it was to vote for "just one". I couldn't agree more, and as I logged your votes I had flashbacks of some brilliant plays when seeing the players names. Hell, I even questioned my own votes as a result of reading yours. Really, that's the point. This was not just about crowning a few players "best in show", but more importantly acknowledging all the players on the list that captured the imagination of those that took the time to vote.
Here is how it shook out (listed in no particular order):
Breakneak Betties: Blocker
L33t Speaking Missile
MaRollin' Monroe
Scrappy Go Lucky
Scrappy Go Lucky won with a little more than a third of the vote. MaRollin' rolled in at a close second.
Breakneck Betties: Jammer
Rhea DeRange
Rhea DeRange barely beat out Licker*n*Split with almost half the votes.
GnR: Blocker
Napalm Beth
A Wrench
Smack Ya Sideways
Hard Knox
Rocket Mean
Smacks edged out Napalm with a third of the votes to win.
GnR: Jammer
Blood Clottia
Mercyful Kate
Aurora Brutalis
Blood Clottia was a clear winner with over 2/3rd of the votes and the most votes any one skater received in the whole poll.
High Rollers: Blocker
Mercyful Kate
Bust'her Spine
Hurricane Skatrina
Intensive Scare
JK Rolling
Layla Smackdown
Minstrel Psycho
Layla and Skatrina tie it up! As you can imagine from the lengthy list, the vote was widely dispersed and this is the only race with no clear winner. It might actually be a statement about the HRMF's diverse talent pool.
High Rollers: Jammer
Bunny Lepowski
Sully Skullkicker
White Flight
Wreck Deckard
White Flight took this one, but the much loved Bunny Lepowki was a close second in the polling.
Heartless Heathers: Blocker
Sol Train
Izabell Ringer
Mick U Cry
Sol Train edged out Mick by one vote to take honors here. I guess you could say "The Bottoms Topped the List"
Heartless Heathers: Jammer
Scratcher in the Eye
Izabell Ringer
Sump Pump
Sol Train
Scratcher clearly had the hearts & minds with Ringer coming in second in this group.
RCR Overall: Blocker
Sol Train
Izabell Ringer
Hurricane Skatrina
Smack Ya Sideways
Mick U Cry
Napalm Beth
Mega Hurtz
Marollin' Monroe
Sol Train's six, the same points she had in the Team Category, gave her the win here. Hurricane Skatrina was actually a close number two on this list.
RCR Overall: Jammer
Izabell Ringer
Rhea DeRange
Blood Clottia
Sol Train
White Flight
Wreck Deckard
Scratcher In the Eye
Rhea DeRange takes it with almost a third of the votes, followed by Blood and Whitey.
So there are the results for '09. I can only imagine how this list will change and grow in '10. We'll see you January 16th for the Season 5 opener at the Expo Center. Until then, Stay Frosty Cadaver or not.