Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A Few Words with Viaggra Falls

Viagrrra Falls, photo by Delusional Photography
VIAGGRA FALLS: I'm 33, Live in NE 1 bd apartment with my awesome Husky Terra, and kitty Sassy.
My beverage is Yerba Mate iced tea (don't drink alcohol)
Energy food of choice is Chocolate, wheat- free pasta, and sushi!
I've been on the Heartless Heathers for 3 years
CORONER: How did you get involved with the Rose City Rollers?
I had first heard about Roller Derby from Jeffrey Wonderful ("other" founder of league) and how they wanted to start a team up in Portland. I had performed with Jeffrey in the past with Portland Organic Wrestling (POW). It was this crazy, campy, artist, Punk-rock wrestling show that showed for about 4tyears that started at Satyricon. Its was sort of WWE meets GWAR, with grotesque stuff being sprayed onto the audience mixed in with crazy acrobatic wrestling moves all wrapped up into artsy skits. At the end of all shows I was mostly covered in Beer or sour milk. Good times.
Sure, Derby sounded fun, and had met a few girls already skating, but I figured I should wait 'til I had health insurance. I never gave it a second thought 'til I went to the very first exhibition in October 2005. OMG I had no idea what the hell was happening, but something tingled inside and I was hooked! I wanted to know how to get involved, where the practices were, the whole sha-bang! Although I didn't start showing at practices till about January and just got "thrown in". This was all before we actually started having Fresh Meat tryouts, and most of us just "heard" about it and showed up.
I think you were the first person I ever associated with Portland Roller Derby, through the salon you worked at. I remember waiting for a haircut and hearing you talk about roller derby, Fresh Meat, the Heathers, and all of that and being rapt with sideways attention. Then you got drafted to the Heathers. What year was that? When you got drafted, was that when you changed from "Space Case" to Viagrrra Falls? In other words, what's your derby history to date?
Awwwe yes, I was on Fresh Meat for about 7 months before I got drafted to HH, then that was a long time to be on FM. I will be honest, I was a total train wreck when I first started with RCR. I really didn't know how to skate that well, tripped over my own skates, and everyone around me would get tangled up in my skates or land on top of me when I would fall in front of them. Not a pretty sight.
I had fallen in love with HH after attending a few of the parties and really connected with the girls personalities and style. It was totally me. I went home right away and e-mailed the captain, Vominatrix at the time, and told her I definitely wanted to be a Heather and would stay on FM until then. I happen to go through 3 drafts w/o getting picked. Then in August of that year was Rollercon, Derby convention in Vegas. I decided to go for 10 days (never again that long in LV) but learned how to REALLY skate and play derby. Mostly I think it finally brought up my confidence. I came back improved 10x's better and many noticed. 2 months later in October 2006, I was drafted to the HH.
Oh the name...I wasn't really feeling "spacecase" and wanted something more raw and wanted more of a reaction. I had heard of the name from a fellow league mate, Axle Blows, and couldn't stop thinking about it. So when I went to Rollercon I needed a change because I knew my derby "career" was shifting. Viagrrra Falls! at first I thought it was going to be temporary but it fit me and stuck. I stay hard no matter what and keep going, and going, and going.....
Did you skate a lot growing up?
Nope not really, went to the skate rink like maybe 4 times when younger then roller bladed for like a year is all.
I have always been athletic. Snowboarding, Surfing, Backpacking, Yoga, you name it. Although never was good a games
You are so solid, stellar even, at each position now, and are a lynchpin for the Heathers. When and how did you really hit your stride as a skater?
Ummm, Well probably last year. I had been to many skate camps, Derby conventions, private lessons and it finally started paying off. I had been getting more skate time, in which boosted my confidence but I had problems with stage fright and would falter. I think there was one game at a very crucial point, that I had scored 20 points for the first time ever, and helped to bring the spirits up for my team. We happen to have won that bout and I gotten MVP for that game. Overall I realized that my team DID believe and trust me but I needed to trust myself and them. The rest of that year, playing on Travel Team had helped me improve my skills further.
This year has really been the key point of my play. I feel more confident and when so many of my teammates had become injured or burnt out I felt I had to step up.
The Season's coming to a head. What is your perspective on what has transpired so far between the four teams, and what's ahead?
Wow, how much more balanced our level of intra-league play has become.
I'm really exited for the High Rollers to bring it out! They have always had great players but have been missing something.
What do you most look forward to doing when the season is over?
My season is not done yet. I do have a game in July with AoA playing the Key Areana in Seattle. Hopefully I will get a break after that. Then, OMG, surfing, camping, spending time with my "other" friends, hanging out with my dog...Im sure I can fill my time up!
Did you grow up around here? If not, where, and how did you get here?
I moved from Salt Lake City Utah, where I had been living for 10 years. Before that I was an Army Brat (DAD In the Army) and moved every 2-4 years since birth.
What are you occupied with outside of derby?
I've been a Hair artist for 12 years working full time at Salon & Spa Bliss.
Try to get in some yoga, weight training, Surfing, camping, snowboarding, Recovery, writing, meditation, walking the pooch, trying to find time for friends and family.
You've been busy with the league for so long - how do you keep your energy level up for both derby and life?
Wow its hard. Unmedicated hyper-mania. ;-} I do the best I can but sometimes I "crash and burn" and need to take a few days off.
Anything else fans and other skaters should know about flat-track roller derby, the Heathers, you?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
2009 Championship Night Open Thread
This year, for the first time in RCR history, the Heathers will not be vying for the top trophy. Paradoxically, this makes me happy in one small way: Saturday's bout will be a very low pressure experience for this long-term fan. I can slink into the anonymity afforded by the Expo Center, watch some drums and derby and not worry too much about anything, although I will have my favorites and I will be cheering for them.
The Heathers may or may not defeat the Guns 'n' Rollers yet again.
Recall that last April, the Heartless ones handed GnR a decisive and ignominious defeat.
Recall that in that same bout, Sump Pump landed in surgery for a fractured jaw, and that RCR players and fans alike banded together to help her through.
Since then, both teams have been further plagued by illness and injury, but surely the remaining Heathers, battered though they may be, will give their all. Just because they are heartless doesn't mean they don't have hearts. Cadavers will be there for them, and they will be there for Cadavers.
A spot in the championship bout has been a long time coming for the High Rollers: they have worked hard to get that spot, and they have earned that spot under the strong leadership of Mess-O-Potamia and Layla Smackdown.
Of course High Rollers face the juggernaut of the former-champion Betties, which has gained force and momentum as the year has progressed. One remembers the Betties' wobbly beginnings and their loss to the High Rollers in the season-opening seeding bout. And one can't but help remember from earlier this very month, the Betties' calm, methodical, come-from-behind steamrolling of the Guns 'n' Rollers.
Saturday is Anything Can Happen Day.
What say you?
See you at Expo and see you in the comments.
Tonight is Cheap Ticket Night
Don't miss Fan Appreciation Night on Wednesday, June 24th where you can meet your favorite players in person and score a special discount on tickets. Just drop by any of these locations after 7:00pm on 6/24/09:
Nightlight Lounge (Southeast)
Kay's Bar (6903 SE Milwaukie Ave, Sellwood)
Rogue Distillery & Public House (Northwest) - Heathers Sponsor!
Beulahland Coffee & Alehouse (Northeast)
Oaks Park Skating Rink (Sellwood)
Elevated from the comments (snaps to the Mad Nader):
Fans in the 'Couve also have their own "Fan Appreciation Night" spot tonight:
Shanahan's Pub & Grill
209 W McLoughlin Blvd
Vancouver, WA
Remember: individual tickets are sold sans TicketsWest extortion fees (i.e. just $14), and there will be "buy-3-get-the-4th-free" deals, as well as (maybe) free RCR swag...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Help the Heathers Pick Up the Track, Thurs. 8:30 p.m.
This Thursday, be at the Oaks Park Hangar at 8:30 p.m. and you'll be able to help the Heathers and other civic-minded souls like yourself rip the taped-down boundaries off of that blue RCR track, chop the track down into liftable squares, and hoist those squares up into a truck where they will be neatly stacked for transport to the Expo Center for Saturday's big bout.
Bring some work gloves if you can. Beers are nice, too. Leave your didgeridoo at home.
I am sad to have to miss out on this track-raising due to a prior commitment, but tell Dancing Scott I said Hi.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Oregonian Article
The usual human interest puff piece with a "hard times" twist.
But it's coverage before the big bout, and as Rocket Means says in the article, "If that doesn't sell, we're gonna be screwed."
Can we get a pull-quote on that?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Docket
The Rosebuds are having an outdoor skate on Saturday, June 20, followed by a "crafty session to make the championship trophy." You're probably not invited.
But you are invited to the big swingin' High Rollers' Hot Wheels Roller Disco Party that very night at 9 p.m., hosted at MotoCorsa Ducati Dealership, 2170 NW Wilson St.
Five bucks cover, three dollar beers, and mixed drinks for four smackers. Snacks.
This party has been months in the planning and promises to be spectacular. I can't make it, but tell Dancing Scott I said hi.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Breakneck Betties deconstruct the GnR, 177 to 94. Post Mortem
The Betties put a quick six points on the board with the first jam. You had to wonder if this was going to be the way the night going to go. Over the next three jams you could see the GnR had brought their “A” game with them. By the 4th jam the GnR was up 20 to 6. And four jams in, the Betties appeared to be getting frustrated. The GnR continued to do the job, communicating in pack and controlling it, taking a comfortable 54 to 29 lead by the midway point of the first half. As we got closer to the end of the first half the Sin Bin was flooded with a sea of red, as the aggravated Betties picked up more and more penalties. It was 70 to 36 with two minutes left in the half, my designated “beat the crowd” departure point. As fate would have it, I missed the tipping point. The half closed after 18 jams with the GnR 70 to Betties 55.
As the second half began, the Betties had clearly found their “center” .Gone from their faces was the obvious frustration of the first half. They were on the comeback trail and after five second half jams had tied the score at 74. The Betties has managed to pull off a 38 to 4 run in the course of roughly six jams. You could see the pressure in the eyes of the GnR pack now. The Betties had returned to dominating the pack in the same way they did back in May. By jam 29 the Betties had a 100 to 74 lead over the GnR. There was no sign of them letting up. Over the next twelve jams the Betties would limit the GnR to 20 points and accumulate another 77 points for themselves. After 41 jams the Betties had 177 points to the GnR’s 94. The Betties are once again returning to the Championship bout, June 27th at the
Two lousy paragraphs hardly does justice to the great plays and players in this bout. Since I’m no Elwood Bruise, I don’t have any factual stats to reflect efforts or heroics. Only the half baked impressions of who stood out in my mind. It’s also no secret I am not much of a Betties fan so I know I’ll fail to give proper props despite my efforts to play nicely with others.
On the GnR side, Blood Clottia has to be the “Iron Woman of Roller Derby”. I would swear she jammed every other jam last night. She racked up serious points as a jammer, dealt quite a few good blows and took some major shots. Including what looked like Licker pop’n her in the face in that critical 4th jam.
Aura Brutalis was also a stand out. It felt like she and Clottia were just taking turns jamming during that first half. She is a fairly crafty jammer. With great blocking in the first half, she put up some major points for the GnR.
In the pack, Nepalm Beth, Viva, Smacks all put together a great first half. They had control of the pack and were running the floor. That first half, the GnR did a good job of sandwiching the Betties with walls of two in the front and back of the pack. They were talking and playing it smart, very aware of where the Betties Jammer was and creating holes for their own jammer. Sadly that didn’t last the whole 60 minutes.
As for those dang Betties, D. Konstructor and Rhea DeRange are two of the most dangerous jammers to face on the line. Both of them possess the ability to see a line through the pack and skate it hard. And per usual, that is what they did. Both played key roles with huge jams on the Betties comeback trail.
Licker is one of those Betties I struggle with the whole Love/Hate thing. Honestly she has some major jamming skills, she has the ability to literally “Hop” into a hole. She’s one tough lady and last night she had her war face on.
The blocking crew for the Betties as a whole deserves major kudos. It took the whole crew to turn the bout around. They managed to make the game time changes required to get the bout back to their style of play. The second half was that “Wall of Red” upfront and the GnR strung out with no way to be effective blockers or assist their jammers.
So the stage is set for the end of the season. The High Rollers will have their hands full with the Breakneck Betties in the battle for the Championship. Of course the Heathers faithful can expect a brutal match up against the GnR for the 3rd place spot. (Insert some remember Sump Pump cliché here).
I know what I'd like to see. Hell, you probably already know what I'd like to see too. Do you think the High Rollers have what it takes to defeat the Betties “Derby Machine”? Will the injury riddled Heathers hand out another loss to the injury riddled GnR? Will all of this make for a highly rated, made for basic cable TV show? I guess we’ll have to theorize until it all plays itself out…June 27th at the
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ya Know the Rules: The Pack (Part I)
I have it on good authority that the remainder of the home season (including the Championship) will be called under 3.1 rules. RCR will begin implementing 4.0 for the 2010 home league season and ALL future WFTDA-sanctioned inter-league bouts.
What this means is that there shouldn’t be too many surprises in how the refs officiate the rest of the season – what this does not mean is that we can always predict how the refs will call the game. Not a knock on the refs, but officiating roller derby is far from an exact science. Randomly pick any two fans who just witnessed the refs whistle, and you likely will have different opinions as to whether the “right” call was made. Those same two fans, witnessing one team’s strategic pack control tactics might disagree as to the effectiveness or legality of said strategy.
Some of that is just the nature of sports, but I believe that at least part of it is a lack of understanding, on the part of even some experienced fans, of some of the rules. Better understanding of the game and the rules makes the game more enjoyable to watch, hence the raison d’etre of this column.
So, once again I ask, Ya Know the Rules?
What is “The Pack”?
Rule 4.1.1 (same rule number under both new and old rules) defines the Pack as “the largest group of Blockers, skating in proximity, containing members from both teams." The new rules adds the words “in bounds” right before the word “Blockers”, which adds a little wrinkle, but as I say doesn’t apply to the remaining RCR intra-league bouts, and shouldn’t change the application of the rule in most instances.
Rule and (identical under new and old rules) further clarify what is already implied by 4.1.1 – Jammers are NOT part of the Pack, and in order to form a pack there must be at least one blocker from each team on the track at all times.
So, we know that the Pack is only comprised of Blockers, and there must be at least one Blocker from each team for there to even BE a pack, but what does “skating in proximity” mean? Rule defines “in proximity” as skating no more than 10 feet in front or behind the nearest pack skater (the new rules delete the alternate measurement of “two strides” found in the old rules, and clarify that proximity is measured at the skaters hips).
Now, one of the obvious questions at this point is “what happens when two or more equally-sized clusters of skaters BOTH meet the criteria to be “the Pack”? While that is a HUGELY important question, the answer is rather complicated, made only more so by the significant changes in language (though not necessarily in the interpretation or application) between the new and old rules. I know some of you are dying to delve into this meaty topic, but you’ll have to wait for Part II of this topic (coming soon, I promise).
I first want to be sure that we are all on the same page as far as the Pack itself, and the consequences of skating outside of the Pack. Now that we know what “the Pack” is, let me ask you this question: is it illegal for a Blocker to skate outside the Pack? The answer: Not necessarily; it depends on how far outside the Pack the Blocker skates.
There really are two degrees of skating “outside the Pack”. The first we already know from the discussion above – skating more than 10 feet away from the nearest pack skater. This is your basic “out of proximity/out of pack” skater. What’s interesting about this is that skating outside the Pack is not illegal, and I can find no specific penalty that would apply to a skater engaging opponents or assisting teammates while out of proximity (i.e. more than 10 feet from the nearest pack skater). In fact, at various points throughout the rules (new and old) it is clear that skaters are allowed to hit opponents and assist teammates, even if they are outside the Pack, as long as they are “still in play”.
What does “still in play” mean? That is the second, and more severe degree of “skating outside the Pack”. If skating 11-20 feet away from the nearest pack skater is “out of proximity/out of pack” (though NOT illegal in any way), then skating more than 20 feet from the nearest pack skater is not just out of proximity, but “out of play”. Rule (identical under new and old rules) is where this is defined with the following language, “A skater who is 20 feet in front of or behind the Pack may receive an out of play warning…once out of play, a skater must yield the right-of-way to the opposing Jammer…any engagement, including passive/positional blocking, can result in a penalty.”
On page 9, figure 3 of the old rules (page 11, figure 1 of the new rules) there is a helpful illustration showing Blockers in the Pack, Blockers outside of the pack though still in play, and Blockers who are out of play.
Though nowhere (in the new or old rules) is it written quite as clearly as I’d like, there is a term that helps keep this straight that is referred to a number of times throughout the rules: the “engagement zone.” The “engagement zone” is that area of the track that extends from 20 feet behind the rearmost Blocker in the pack, to 20 feet in front of the foremost Blocker in the pack. Thus the “engagement zone” is the entirety of the pack, plus a 20 foot buffer on either end. It is legal and perfectly a-ok to engage opponents and assist teammates anywhere within this “engagement zone”, but once a Blocker leaves this area she becomes “out of play”, subject to penalty.
So, the key then is that Blockers need to stay within the “engagement zone” if they want to engage. Simple enough, but here is where our discussion moves from simple rules analysis to its actual impact on gameplay. When a Jammer is in the midst of the pack, the opposing Blockers will obviously be looking to stop her – hit her, knock her down, slow her momentum so a teammate can knock her down, or positionally block her. This is all beginner derby strategy.
But inevitably, with the help of her teammates, that opposing Jammer is going to make her way through the Pack and break through. Your Blocker (let’s use Sol Train as an example) wants to keep chasing and harassing her, even as that Jammer is trying to speed away. As long as Sol can stay within 10 feet of the nearest Pack skater, she’s still in proximity (thus still in the Pack) and can keep engaging that opposing Jammer. She can even keep the chase up outside of the pack, as rule says in both the new and old rules (“Skaters who are not part of the pack…but are still in play, may block and assist.”). But once Sol gets more than 20 feet from the nearest pack skater, she has to yield and return to the pack, lest she pick up a penalty.
But wouldn’t it be nice if Sol Train could keep harassing the opposing Jammer for a few more feet? Maybe one more hit would knock her down, or slow her enough for the rest of the pack to swarm up and devour her. Now is the time to implement what I like to call “extending the Pack”.
Recall that the “engagement zone” is measured not from some abstract center point in the middle of the pack, but rather from the “closest pack skater” (let’s say it’s Titania). Recall too that the Pack is defined by “proximity” between the skaters. So, you can extend the pack (and thus the legal engagement zone) by having Titania move up to the very limit of “proximity” with the closest pack skater behind her (oh, we’ll say it’s Mobi-Wan). That’s an additional 9 feet of engagement zone!
Not enough? Have your farthest away pack skater (the one all the way in the back of the pack; let’s say it’s Teq“Kill”ya) race up and skate 9 feet in front of Titania. Since Titania was still in proximity of Mo, Titania was still in the pack. With “Kill”ya in proximity of Titania, she too is still in the pack. BAM you’ve got ANOTHER 9 feet. Sol has probably destroyed that Jammer by now!
By having your Blockers leap-frog each other, but remain within proximity of the next closest pack skater, you’ve managed to extend that engagement zone 18 feet! Theoretically, there is nothing in the rules to prohibit a pack that looks like a single-file line of Blockers, each one skating 9 feet from one another – think bucket-brigade on skates! Obviously the opposing Blockers aren’t likely to help you extend that pack, but as long as your last Blocker (in our scenario we our last Blocker was Mo) is still within 9 feet of the opposing Blocker who is still in the Pack, then ALL the Heathers' blockers are still in the Pack.
Hopefully you can see just how a smart, coordinated team can control the pack to keep the opposing Jammer within the engagement zone, getting every last opportunity to lay a hit on her.
Conversely controlling the pack defensively (“shrinking the Pack”, as I call it), can literally yank the engagement zone right out from under the opposing Blockers, thus forcing them to yield or take a penalty if they hit your Jammer. You can probably already see how this might be done, but there are some twists and caveats – all of which I’ll address in a future Ya Know the Rules post.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
How to post blog comments non-anonymously, more or less, even without a Google login

Type your post in the "Leave Your Comment" box.
Click the "Name/URL" radio box.
Type your name (and url, if you care to)
Click "Publish Your Comment."
Betties v. GnR Semi-final open thread

photo by Angel Priest
Disjointed thoughts (if one may be so bold as to call them that) on this coming Saturday's game:
It's hard to forget BNB 134 - GnR 73 when thinking about this match.
For some reason, despite formidable talent on their roster, GnR has had a hard time putting anything together since their February win over the High Rollers.
One expects a very physical game from these very physical teams (Grant over at the Guns blog reports that GnR practices have been physical to the point of injury).
We'll see you all Saturday, and we'll see you in the comments.
Update: elevated from Scrappy in the comments (thanks, Scrappy!):
"well to clarify... i don't think GNR are not self-abusing and beating the crap out of each other at practices... both Knox and Cherry were injured while scrimmaging with AOA against WOJ (who also that night managed to leave Viagra with a blood, bruised jaw and Sully with a minor concussion). it was a very frustrating night for everyone on AOA since those GNR ladies were nice enough to join us for the scrimmage, as extra practice, and were injured as a result."
Sunday, June 7, 2009
High Rollers roll over the Heathers, 123 to 81 Post Mortem
Lightning strikes twice? This metaphor offered by the announcers at the beginning of last night's bout seemed to ring true and stuck with me well after the bout.
Within the first five jams, the High Rollers strategy was not only clear but working well. It was nothing new or radical but it was well executed. The "Quick Jam", a plan that relies on one key component, Lead Jammer status and the High Rollers had it more often than not. You could see right off the line they had a plan to establish key blocking positions in the front of the pack and did so successfully, time and time again.
It's no secret that the High Rollers have tremendous Jammer talent. Their roster not only includes consistent performers like Bunny and Bumps but has been augmented with the addition of White Flight this year. Though getting through the pack is the Jammer's job, that job is made much easier if you have control of the packs speed and positioning. The High Rollers did an incredible job on controlling the pack.
Skatrina and Layla served as the generals out there, communicating, controlling, even shoving their fellow High Rollers blockers into position. More often than not the "Pack Monsters" that are Heidi Go Seek and Mercyful Kate needed very little guidance, were exactly where they wanted to be and did an excellent job of tying up our Heartless Jammers and laying out some great blocks.
Once the High Rollers established a 20 point lead they did a great job of holding onto and building upon it.
Despite some great jams by Ringer, some heroic jams by Scratcher points were tough to come by for the Heathers. Managing penalties was also troublesome for our ladies in blue, which ended up giving the High Rollers quite a few Power Jams.
As for the blocking crew in blue, D-Day, Soul Train and Ruby stand out in my mind because throughout the bout they fought hard, continued to make adjustments in their play and most important kept their poise. Hell the whole damn team did a great job of keeping their poise through the bout and not acting out on the frustration they had to be feeling as this bout slipped away from them.
So, here we are. The ’09 season drawing to a close, one HH bout left, knowing the team we love so much is not in position for a top two ranking. Sucks don’t it. So what helps us make sense of a season that started with so much momentum?
For me, I want to see the GnR figure it out and breakdown the Betties next week. That would give the Heathers another shot at the “Nemesis”, a fitting close win or lose. I also really need to see the High Rollers continue to win. They need to seize this opportunity and become the ‘09 Champs.
How do you see it?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Heartless Heathers v. High Rollers Semi-Final Open Thread

photo by Chris Barnes
Saturday at the Oaks Park Hangar, the Heartless Heathers will once again meet the High Rollers, this time in Season Four's first semi-final match.
As you may recall, the High Rollers defeated the Heathers May 9, in a 136-110 sweet victory for the HRMF crew, and a rather bittersweet upset for a lot of Cadavers who, though hating to see their team in defeat, have high regard for the High Rollers, and respect for the longstanding High Heathers alliance.
Captain Ringer has promised to "bring it for the semis & finals," the team has high ambitions for the playoffs, and the fans are as rabidly loyal as ever.
I fully expect a Heathers victory Saturday, and a brutal scorched earth campaign to the June 27 championship.
Check in with your comments, and wave hello Saturday.