It’s that time of year once again to descend upon the sleepy town of Feasterville. I really enjoy this weekend, and look forward to it every year. It’s a very relaxing and stress-free vacation. So for those of you who are new to the Feasterville experience, I’m providing you with a Survival Guide to Feasterville.
Transportation: One of the beauties of Feasterville is that the shuttle bus transports you between your hotel and the Sportsplex, and runs every 20 minutes. So for a flat rate of twenty bucks, you can have unlimited transportation to and from your hotel all weekend (provided that you stay at one of the host hotels). A word of caution from an experienced Feastervillian – follow all of the posted bus rules!

Food & Drink: There is a huge pool on the grounds, and there is a pool party that goes on everyday from noon until 8:00 PM. The beer is good and cheap, and the barbecue is great! I take all of my meals at the pool party for the entire weekend. No need to go anywhere else. There is even a bake sale there where you can buy delicious homemade baked goods (and fresh apples for only fifty cents!)
Activities: The Sportsplex is a lovely place to spend a weekend. There is the pool, the soccer field, and a small trail through the woods to a nice stream. And if all of that isn’t enough, there happens to be some roller derby going on in the building across the parking lot from the pool. You might want to check that out if you get bored.
See you there!