The Cherry City Derby Girls brought their "A”" game last night in a bout where they faced off against a mixed roster of High Rollers and Guns 'n Rollers newbies (called the Rolling Stoners). I expected stiff competition from Cherry City, but I wasn't expecting them to perform as well as they did. The first jam started off with Rose City veteran Edie Disorder getting a good block in for Cherry City and preventing Texine from getting lead jammer status. Cherry City obtained lead jammer and started the bout off with a 4-0 lead. They would hold the point lead for the rest of the bout. Defense was tight from both teams, and this was a low scoring bout. Texine, Napolian Blownapart, Kickassedy, and Havanna Good Time jammed for the Rolling Stoners, but had a tough time breaking through Cherry City's defense. At halftime the score was only 27 – 38 Cherry City.
Squid Vicious put in an amazing performance as Cherry City's star jammer for the evening. She definitely gets my nod for MVP. There were only a few high scoring jams last night. Most of the points were picked up little by little. But pouring through my notes, I notice that Squid Vicious scored the lion's share of Cherry City's points. She saw quite a bit of jammer time in the first half, and even more in the second half. In one of the rare high scoring jams of the evening (jam #30) Squid Vicious picked up 14 points to boost Cherry City to a 62 to 27 lead. Then Cherry City sent in Vavoom Vavette to pick up another 14 points in jam #31. Cherry City’s Curry Fury, Sybil Riots, and Skate Oddity also did an amazing job of jamming last night, and the second half saw Cherry City’s point lead steadily increase. After some minor confusion over the clock during the final jam, Cherry City stood victorious with a final score of 52 Rolling Stoners, 130 Cherry City.
So there you have it, RCR fans – your log awaited derby fix after the "dry spell". Tonight we see the new Heathers in action as they join the Breakneck Betties in a mixed roster bout against the Southern Oregon Roller Girls, followed by our champion High Rollers vs. Eugene’s Andromedolls. Also, there will be a special dedication to Bunny Lepowski. It all starts at 6:00 PM (doors open at 5:00 PM), so don’t be late!