Heathers Por Vida insignia by Aitch, chalk on sidewalk, Corvallis OR, 08/23/2008
Here's the doin's:
New derby league in Corvallis, OR kicks off with a fundraiser, this Friday night at 8, at 126 SW 4th St, in Corvallis, oddly enough. I guess that club is called Platinum. Bands will play. Merry will be made. Funds will be raised.
Oct 3rd-6th WOJ at Western Regionals in Houston Texas.
WFTDA Western Regional Tournament in Houston, Texas, featuring our own Wheels of Justice battling their way toward the National Championships right here in Portland, Oregon in November.
Tryout clinics, where you learn things down there at Oaks Park, about trying out and stuff, presumably at the hangar:
First One - Oct 4th 2008, 3pm - 5pm
Second One - Oct. 11th 2008, 3pm - 5pm
Lots of info at the link above on what to bring, who not to bring, etc.
Actual tryouts, where you try out:
Tuesday October 14th 6:45 - 8:45pm
Go try out. It's a tryout, after all.